Episode 20: New challenges

New challenges

The rapid development of second homes presents a new challenge for the Swiss Ski School Villars. The stays, especially those of Swiss guests, are indeed increasing in quantity, but also becoming shorter. They are also much more dependent on the weather than they used to be.

This challenge will be addressed by the Swiss Ski School, especially under its new director, Marc-Henri Duc, who took office in 1992. The Swiss Ski School will demonstrate innovation and flexibility, so much so that it attracts not only owners of second homes but also an urban clientele coming to Villars for ski lessons.

In 1995, the Swiss Ski School Villars becomes the “Swiss Ski & Snowboard School Villars”. Since then, it has continued to grow. The School is increasing partnerships with English tour operators, and the return of a more affluent clientele means that many instructors are once again working on a daily basis, as they were until the 1960s. Marc-Henri Duc is reorganizing the Swiss Ski School at its core, and his rigour is known throughout the region. The instructors’ attire is standardized with the introduction of the red trousers. In-house ski instructor training is reorganized, and in 1997 Stéphan Dufresne is appointed head of snowboard training.

The director is now hired on a year-round basis, as is a secretary. By the end of the decade, the Swiss Ski School Villars employs close to 200 people.